Thursday, December 24, 2009


Missed badly, the man and the destruction of the opportunity "To Be The Man". Immense talent wasted for nothing for 15 or more years.

We remember you MJ. Still trying hard to deal with "what You could have been" in spite of "what you were".

Patrick Swayze

Fondly remembered, on this Xmas the "Ghost" star.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The bond

No matter how far we go away for bread, the place of our birth remains close to our heart. The years just cannot take away that oneness of our being with the place where our parents and their parents lived.

Sweet, sweet Kochi.. our breath, our heart beat together.
Its air, its smell.. brought me back all those which I have forgotten for so many years, the moment I stepped on her ground again.
Perhaps, its unpardonable to look beyond her..even for bread.